Michigan Senior Portrait Photographer

Senior year is a giant milestone in everyone's life. It's the year we go from a kid to an adult. The year we're expected to decide what our future will look like. The year we get a taste of independence, responsibility.. and freedom. I hope this year teaches you to follow your dreams, discover your passions, test your boundaries and get out of your safe zones. Explore, stay curious, ask questions and listen. Run full speed at your goals and always remember that you're destined for great things.

I want to learn about your aspirations, your hobbies, your hopes and dreams. I want to hear how cool your best friend is. The more I learn about you the more passion I see behind your smile, the better my work is. I'm not here just to take a pretty photo (although that IS also a goal of mine), I'm here to give you images that make you remember who you are at this very moment. Imagery that makes you FEEL something when you look at it. I want my photos to serve like the tree's growth rings so you're able to relive every bit of growth you've had in your happiness and all the beautiful in between.

Sessions range but begin at $350 — ask for a copy of our Senior Brochure for all the packages options and information to start the process!

I can’t wait to help you decide where to do your shoot or help with wardrobe ideas. Email me and lets get started!